Saturday, July 9, 2016

Learning From the Past

Today in class, was a very emotional day. We talked about race and policing and the recent events that have been going on came up. Specifically the Alton Steriling and Philando Castile shootings. Before we got started listening to our speaker for the day we did an activity to voice our feelings anonymously. We were given post it notes and we were to write whatever feeling or lack of feeling we faced due to the violence that was going around. This reminded me of Richmond and how much violence there is everyday that primarily affects the youth. It worried me that I wasn’t surprised about the recent shootings but back home it could happen at any given day. It is truly sad that people can become used to violence and not recognize it until someone else specifically points it out. I wish to be one of the people that points out the violence in my community and does something about it.

After that activity our guest speaker, Imani Perry, talked to us about race and policing. She has many degrees from many famous institutions like Georgetown, Harvard and she is a professor at Princeton. Throughout her small lecture she talked about the disadvantages that the black community has faced from the beginning of slavery. It is no secret that slavery took away he freedom, culture and ancestry from the black community. Ever since then the government has found ways to institutionally oppress African Americans. Imani talked about the creation of moving contracts that made it harder for African Americans to move out of violent neighborhoods and seek a better life. Even then they would get harassed and even killed if they spoke up or tried to change the system that was so abusive to them. Even in today’s culture wwe can see racism through police brutality and truancy tickets.

After Imani’s amazing talk we went to lunch and later got to go to Old Town to the Africa American Museum. There we saw their permanent exhibit that depicts the struggle that slaves went through to get out of slavery and get rights in the American society. The second part of the exhibit was made up of a wall full of the portraits and documents that were important to the gaining of rights by the African American community. After we went to see a gallery of art that was made by high school students from New Haven. They depicted the affect that the judicial system had of them as young people. I thought it was very powerful seeing young people like me voice their stories through art.

After we headed back to the dorms an to get ready to go to the theater. I got my tiket for Tarzan in 3D and began walking to the theater with Therese since we were watching the same movie. I expected the movie to not be so great because it was a remake but I ended up loving it! When it was over, We returned to the dorms because our day was over. Tomorrow, we will allbe going to Hershey park. I am super excited!!

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